
Please check the FAQ's below to help answer any questions you may have.

If you're thinking about buying one of our Play At Home Missions, but you have some questions, please email us at

If you have already purchased a mission and you need help, please email us at


I haven't received my email with my password

Sorry about that, click the button below to be sent your password again. Please rememeber to check your spam as well.

If you don't receive it within 30 minutes of requesting another email, please email us at

Re-send Password

I am having trouble logging in

You must be using either Chrome or Firefox, on a laptop / desktop computer, to login and play the game.

Safari, Internet Explorer and Edge will not work to play the game, and you cannot use an iPad.

Android tablets may work, but we strongly recommend a physical keyboard and mouse to play the game.

If you're still having problems logging in, please contact us at

My game isn't working

Please try clicking the My Game Isn't Working button in the bottom left of the game screen.

If that doesn't work, please make sure you are using either Chrome or Firefox, on a laptop / desktop computer, to play the game.

Safari, Internet Explorer and Edge will not work to play the game, and you cannot use an iPad.

Android tablets may work, but we strongly recommend a physical keyboard and mouse to play the game.

If you are still having problems playing the game, please contact us at

Can I play the game online with friends in another house?

Unfortunately as of current the game cannot be played across multiple houses.

We have had a few customers report success with buying a copy of the game for each house and playing it at the same time, whilst also on a video call, but it would be equivalent to watching the same movie in separate houses: you're all doing the same thing, but the movies (games) aren't linked in any way.

Can I print the documents at work / somewhere else before I play the game?

Yes absolutely. After you log in, you will be given a list of all the props to print, which you can do before you click the button to start playing the game.

Once you start playing the game, the game itself will lock to your computer, but you can always login and print the materials from any computer.

Where do I find the mobile app?

You do not need to download the mobile app from the Play Store / App Store.

Once you login to the game, you'll be given instructions on how to set up the props around the house, then you can click Load Ops Centre to load the computer part of the game.

Here you will be given instructions on how to access the mobile part of the game.

Why am I being asked to install a licence file?

The licence file is a security measure to stop anyone except you from playing your game. Once installed, it will lock the game to your computer

We wait until part way through the game to ask you to do this, as it means that we can be sure that you are installing the licence on the computer that you intend to play on, and that this computer is capabale of playing the game.

This saves unfortunate incidents where the game is locked to a computer that you don't want to (or can't) play the game on

Si5 SpyMissions Ltd.
7 Viking Way
Bar Hill
CB23 8EL
United Kingdom

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Si5 SpyMissions Ltd. is registered in the United Kingdom (Company No: 05604068)
All legal disputes related to card processing are handled under United Kingdom Law

CandlesUnfortunately because our Southend venue is in a shopping centre we cannot allow candles. You can bring LED candles to decorate your cake if you wish.